Prophet Amos Kambale is a man sent from God. Enthused by soul winning mandate, he obeyed a powerful, urgent and irresistible call from God after many divine visitations and experiences. His teachings are relevant, providing solutions to problems of this life while preparing souls for eternity in a way which can only be summarized as wisdom from God. People who have applied his messages have testified of being freed from poverty, sicknesses, sin, demons, ignorance and death by the power of the Holy Spirit. He is a man who hears from God with absolute clarity. He has given many correct prophecies which have been fulfilled proving that he is a true envoy of God. He is a prophet of good reputation and character. Wheresoever the man of God ministers, revivals follow.

The man of God takes his time to rightly share revelations of the word of God with such accuracy and precision worthy of a trustworthy minister for the kingdom of God who is and will be noted among the great men of God in Malawi and beyond. He is a life coach, mentor, business man and a leader.

He is married to the woman of God, Petite Kambale who heads the Ladies and the Charity arms of the ministry (Compassion Life) and their union is blessed with three children. Together, they co-founded Life International Church.

A team of dedicated Pastors and Leaders is also serving God under the man and woman of God to fulfil the mandate from God.

The man of God submits to Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa who is his Spiritual Father.